ललित - सार छंद - 16/12
धन - तेरस हमसे कहता है, बाँट - बाँट कर खाओ
धरती है परिवार - हमारा, सब को यह समझाओ।
भाव भूमि से कर्म - भूमि में, जाकर भाग्य बनाओ
जो बोयेंगे वही - मिलेगा, आम - नीम समझाओ ।
लक्ष्मी जी को नहीं - चाहिए, पूजा हवन - दिखावा
श्रद्धा से बस फूल - चढाओ, छोडो क्षणिक छलावा ।
भूखे को भोजन - करवा दो, सहज धर्म - अपनाओ
राज - मार्ग पर चलो हमेशा, बच्चों को सिखलाओ।
जहाँ कहीं भी दिखे - अँधेरा, उस घर को उजियारो
उन लोगों का बनो - सहारा, जगमग दीपक बारो ।
हर पौधे में सञ्जीवन है, इनकी सुन लो महिमा
इनकी गरिमा जानो भाई, मिल सकती है अणिमा।
प्रतिदिन प्राणायाम करें हम, हम भी शतक लगायें
औषधियों का सेवन करके, जीवन सफल बनायें ।
आओ अपना धर्म जान लें, जीवन - सफल बनायें
रोते - रोते हम - सब - आए, हँसते - हँसते जायें ।
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You wrote: हर पौधे में सञ्जीवन है, इनकी सुन लो महिमा
इनकी गरिमा जानो भाई, मिल सकती है अणिमा।
In 1985, I was able to completely defeat my tobacco smoking habit using the plant peppermint. In those days, I was listening to many Meera Bhajans in the night, and one morning I heard a voice inside me say: Defeat a bad plant (tobacco) using a good plant. Luckily, I had peppermint leaves at home, and I put some in boiling water and breathed in the steam when I had the urge to smoke. The urge went away, and when it came back I breathed it in again, and in a few days I defeated the addiction to nicotine. Or, rather, the divine plant peppermint helped me get out of the bondage of a nicotine. You are right, each plant has the potential to give us a new life. I am alive now, thanks to that plant, but many including my brother who had the smoking habit are dead by now! May the healing power put in plants by the divine potency of the Moon, one of the 8 manifestations of the Divine according to the Naandi shloka of Abhijnaan Shaakuntala of the divine poet SRee KaaLidaasa!